Lindsey and Lincoln are married!

 Charming, this wedding, these two, everything about it was perfectly, wonderful, charming. The wedding was in Shelbyville, TX and Shelbyville is…well it’s so stinkin charming! Lincoln and Lindsey met at Baylor University in the Theatre department. They are both actors which I quickly discovered makes them both very intriguing, they can both be sort of quiet and mysterious and then turn around and be the life of the party… but one thing I really noticed is that they seem to have  a secret between then. Not a “we wrecked your dads car and he doesn’t know secret” but just that they seem to have something so special between the two of them that is just theirs. And on their beautiful wedding day they were able to do what I know they have wanted most of all, to promise the rest of their lives to one another, to commit to stand by each other until the end of their lives. It’s a beautiful thing.

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Jill and Matthew are married!

Jill and Matthew are from England… now I know that may be an odd way to start off a blog post but in my mind that makes them way way cool. First of all they have amazing accents, as did pretty much everyone at this wedding. I was obsessed with hearing them talk and found myself laughing when they would say things like “knickers”. I’m pretty sure they only caught about half of what I said because not only do I talk fast, but I talk with a southern accent…yes I am the only fast talking southern girl out there I think. But something else about being from England, well apparently it makes you super fun, and very cool, because that’s how everyone there was…and they had amazing hats, the Brits know how to accessorize. These two were just so excited to get married and soaked up the day and I loved being a part of it. >

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