Tag Archives: arkansas

It would be a travesty…

really, it would… these  photo’s never made it to the blog, I have so many sessions from 2010 that never made it to the blog and that is simply unacceptable. So, I’m going to post some here, and then I’ll post another blog later with more, because I’m loving these cuties (even the furry ones…

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Christmas Time Is Here

I have a LOT of photo’s from sessions that never made it to the blog, so here are a couple of cutie pies and I chose photo’s from the session that were sort of in the Christmas Spirit. I hung out with these boys for about 4 hours one day (we combined their session and…

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  • Jamie StewartDecember 24, 2010 - 4:35 pm

    Thank you Avery! I can’t tell you how many people have asked me what photographer I used!!! Merry Christmas to you!!!

  • MonikaJanuary 13, 2011 - 8:12 am

    Avery these are amazing!! (You also had the cutest kids to work with!!) You captured some awesome things with them!

They belong to me

My family is close. Literally. My mom and dad and brother and his wife and nieces and uncle and aunt and dar dar (grandmother) and paw paw all live close enough to hit each others rock with a house if they have a decent throwing arm. It’s not just a family, it’s a community, a…

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  • allison f.September 19, 2010 - 9:54 am

    Incredible stuff Avery! I absolutely LOVE the bikini photo! What gorgeous girls they have. LOVE IT. Great styling, with the beautiful colour! Amazing fam you have there. I bet they feel the same way about you!

  • JenicaSeptember 20, 2010 - 7:28 am

    Oh Avery! Those pictures are amazing!!! I love your little nieces!!! so, do you like taking pictures in the evening? I’ve been realizing that pictures at that time turn out so much better! Hope you are doing well!