It’s time for resolutions again, some of mine are the same every year, work out more (predictable), read more (done), learn Spanish (que?), and usually something odd thrown in like skydive or take ballet lessons, but this year I’ve decided to take a different approach to my resolutions. They have usually been about things I want to do or try, for myself… I mean I guess resolutions are inherantly selfish but I wanted to do the opposite this year and resolve to give to others. My resolution is to do what Christ calls us to do and love others and love them well. It is impossible to find an insignificant person or to be too committed to loving them and it is impossible to love Christ and not suffer for others as a result. I know I have failed at this task in the past, because it’s so easy to focus inward on your own problems or what you want or need but I’m determined to do as I’m called and I’ve already begun and so far it’s been some of the most rewarding experiences of my life. So this year and beyond I’m giving of my time, my money, my talents, whatever I have that God has given me and I’m going to focus on helping others. I have a few ways I’m doing this and I have a feeling that if stay focused on that goal and put myself out there God will continue to place people in my path, and if I’m open to it I’ll see the opportunity to reach out to others and show them love.
I have a feeling this will be a lot more rewarding than joining a gym, besides… I hate gyms. :)