Happy Thanksgiving

The guys are in the living room watching football,  the girls have been sitting in the kitchen watching funny videos on youtube, and we are all in a turkey coma. Today my family all gathered around the table and the first thing we did was give thanks. I passed out “thankful sheets” with snowflake borders so everyone with a pen followed by my mothers instructions of simply “write down what you are thankful for.” Soon after I had a hand full of folded paper filled with love and thanksgiving written on them. Before we ate we each read our list and we all had a smile on our face and full hearts knowing that we all loved and were loved fully, and that we are all beyond blessed.

That my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever. Psalm 34:1

Now…pie… I think I’m going to start with the one on the left and work my way over. :)

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