Tara and Casey are Married!

I have a great family, really they are amazing and I love them so very much, but if I were not blessed with such an incredible family I’m pretty sure I would try to sneak in and be a part of this family. Tara and Casey are both so bright, and funny, and kind, and all around amazing people and I’m pretty sure they owe a lot of that to their incredible families. I’m just so happy for these two, and now they have both just graduated medical school and are beginning their lives as husband and wife and MD’s (a dynamic duo obviously:). This wedding took place at the beautiful St. Mary our Lady of Grace church the reception at the phenomenal Loews Don CeSar. It was a fantastic day and I was thrilled to be a part of it!

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Kari and Ozzie are Married!

Everyone was laughing. I mean people smile a lot on wedding days, there is so much to smile about, but this family not only smiled…they laughed. The joy that was welling up inside them escaped in giggles and chuckles and hardy deep laughs. I found myself smiling behind my camera, catching the contagious joy that was floating around. Kari and Ozzie were married at the beautiful Don CeSar (can’t say enough good things about the Don) and Cheers Events helped make the day just shine.  Their day was all about taking parts of who Kari is and what makes her tick and taking parts of who Ozzie is and what makes him tick and combining them into a day that was uniquely them. Everything was special, meaningful, fun, relaxed, and full of friends, family, color, light, and love. Oh and Kari had some seriously good taste… from her Sex in the City Manolo’s to her Monique Lhuiller gown I was sort of having a fashion seizure.

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I spent Easter with my family and my sweet nieces that light up my life. I love hanging out at my family’s house because it’s so magical, we are off in the woods surrounded by grandparents and aunts and uncles, goats and chickens and just family. I’m so thankful to God for my family, and for his sacrifice for me. I’m so unworthy but still he loves me. Here are some photos of our magical Easter.

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